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Aihki expands in fall 2024 to accommodate 70 guests

Starting from the 25th of November 2024, the newly expanded Aihki will accommodate up to 70 guests. This expansion allows us to offer modern, northern Scandinavian dining experiences crafted from local ingredients to more visitors. Aihki's special dinners have often sold out, and we are excited to provide more guests the opportunity to enjoy our delicious and surprising dishes.

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Culinary Excellence by Anssi Riihimäki at Pyhä-Luosto

Recognized twice in Kauppalehti Option's annual list of Finland's best restaurants (2022 and 2023) with an impressive 16+ rating under his direction, it's clear that Aihki has garnered well-deserved acclaim. Behind this achievement is the ability of Head Chef Anssi Riihimäki to create delicious and visually stunning dishes that captivate both taste and sight.
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